Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So yeah...

So today I worked on finding interesting blogs on Blogspot to follow...I was needing some craftiness! It is exhausting trying to find sites! Sooo if you have one you would like to suggest to me let me know!!!

I am currently in my last semester of school for my Bachelors Degree! So in between assignments, tests and group projects I have been trying to get my craft on!

So I guess now would be a great time to tell you what kind of stuff I like to make..
Well some call it mixed-media, I call it whatever interests me at the moment. My main area of interest for awhile has been bottle cap charms.

All of my bottle cap charms are made from bottle caps rescued from the landfills. The caps are a mixture of beer caps, soda caps and when I am feeling the need for something bigger...starbucks caps. To answer one of the most frequent questions I get from people: No I don't drink all that beer to get the caps! I have a few places around town that save me the caps they would otherwise throw away. So no I am not an alcoholic and my liver is fine! LOL

The pictures I use for the caps are rescued from discarded magazines, newspapers, cd covers and even junk mail. I am not usually a lets recycle everything person but hey its a  little something I can do to help the environment and have a great time while doing it!

So here are some of the most recent caps I have made (to see more follow the link below)

(This photo is from an actual old B&W photo)

You can see more on my facebook page

Well that is a little more about me! Until next time....Get Your Craft On! (I will as soon as I am done studying for this Biology Exam! lol)


  1. these are so cool!
    i love the kitty one the most!!
    thanks for dropping by

  2. Hi
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your bottle cap charms!

  3. Thank you for the wonderful words and for stopping by!

  4. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my give away during the OWOH event. My business partner and I have two blogs Calkatthejewelryjunkie (the one you visited) and We also have a fan page on FB here's the link...

    Congratulations on showing your work at a gallery. We are currently trying to get our items in a gallery out here as well.

    Have a great weekend.

    Bright blessings,
